- December1
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- 05.05.2017
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- 14.04.2017
- 07.04.2017
- 01.03.2017
- 01.01.2000
11 December 2024
New logic for working with document structure
The logic of working with document sections (title page, introduction, etc.) has been changed.
When uploading a document for verification in the "Check taking into account structure" section, the checkbox for the "Bibliography" section is now unchecked by default. If necessary, you can check it manually.
If you decide to disable or, conversely, enable some sections after checking the document, you can now do this on the verification results page on the "Document structure" tab. When making changes to the document sections being checked, the check is not written off; after clicking "Save", you can go to the same report and view the updated information.
07 October 2024
API Update: New Sections in Document Structure
The ability to exclude new sections in the document structure via the API, as well as via the interface, has been added. New sections: introduction, methods, conclusions. When selecting the default settings, all sections will be checked. If your integration logic included a full document check without excluding sections, you will not have to change anything.
30 September 2024
Updated document upload form
The form for uploading documents and texts for verification has been updated. Adding documents has become even more convenient: additional document uploads are available in the same window, all parameters are in view at the same time. If you encounter any difficulties when working in the new upload form, please contact our Customer Care Service
14 August 2024
Adjusted the counter of spent checks for corporate users
The quota management tab now displays the number of checks actually spent by the user in the spent checks column, regardless of the quota issued to them. Managing the company's check consumption has become clearer and more convenient.
31 July 2024
Added filtering by document status in the user account
Now you can filter documents in your account by their status and easily separate already verified documents during batch uploads.
30 July 2024
Added the ability to delete users' personal data
At the request of users, when deleting accounts, it is now possible to delete their personal data: full name and email. This functionality is available to system administrators.
02 July 2024
New sections in the document structure
New sections have been added to the automatically defined document structure:
- methods;
- introduction;
- conclusion.
These sections can be ignored during verification when setting the appropriate settings. If the sections are not defined automatically, they can be added manually.
25 June 2024
Buttons for assessment and sending student papers for revision in the upper panel of the full report
For the convenience of teachers, you can now assess or send the paper for revision without going to the menu of the full report. There is now a separate form for each of the possible actions — assessment or sending for revision. The buttons in the menu are still available.
24 June 2024
The counter of available checks in the user's workspace
A counter of checks available to the user is now displayed under the user's name in the system for the convenient planning.
28 April 2024
Technical support has been renamed
Technical support is now called Customer care service. You can contact us via contact form in your workspace.
11 April 2024
Ability to switch to Course management from the teacher's cabinet
For the convenience of teachers, you can now go to the course and tasks management page directly from the workspace by clicking on "Courses" in the left side menu.
Changes in the design of the archive courses page
Page of the archive course now contains an explanatory inscription about the impossibility of creating tasks and uploading papers to it, and the design matches to the archive task.
25 March 2024
Renaming the module of the company's own collection
The search module for the company's own collection will now be called the same for all companies — "Сompany's own collection". Renaming does not affect the result of checking for this module
26 December 2023
The link to the user manual is available from the "Help" page
Full information about eAarjav 's capabilities can be found in the user manuals, a link to which is available on the "Help" page.
13 October 2023
Additional functionality for users with the "Administrator" role
When creating a company within the administrator functionality, the following actions are automatically available to the user:
- going to the site with a list of restricted users;
- viewing the list of restricted users within the current company;
- removing restrictions from one or more users;
- imposing restrictions on one or more users;
- filtering and sorting.
12 September 2023
Editing a report
The full report editing mode is only available for its last correction. All other versions are available in the viewing mode. If the document was sent for rechecking, the previous report becomes unavailable for editing at the moment when the document began the rechecking process.
11 September 2023
The "Author" field has been moved
On the verification results page, on the Document Properties tab, the Author field has been moved to the very top. If the Author field is not filled in, the line will be highlighted in orange.
29 August 2023
New document types added
On the scan results page, it is now possible to select one of the following document types on the “Document Properties” tab:
- educational program;
- educational and methodological complex;
- educational and methodological products;
- essay;
- postgraduate student's research report.
Display information about the Root Administrator
Due to the restriction of administrators' actions on creating users, now only the Root Administrator has the right to create, delete and change user data. Therefore, the Root Administrator now has a "SpecialUser" mark on the Users tab, and the display of information on the "Company Profile" and "Company Change" forms has been adjusted.
User profile adapted to screen width
Now the user profile is displayed correctly according to the screen width on mobile devices and tablets.
11 August 2023
Access to a new view of report
Users now have access to the new default full report view. Access to the old report is retained and can be accessed via the Actions menu.
20 July 2023
Stabilization and support of the system
- Stabilization of working of the current version of the system.
- Correction of texts and messages.
- Infrastructure changes.
- Correction of defects.
24 April 2023
Detecting generated texts
Dear users!
We are pleased to announce the appearance of a new functionality – an algorithm for detecting fragments of texts created by artificial intelligence. We have developed a unique algorithm that allows you to automatically identify and mark the generated text. Moreover, this algorithm is trained to work also with large texts (articles, essays, GQWs, dissertations, etc.). The algorithm is got a text at the input, inside of it there is an analysis for the presence of text fragments that are presumably generated using deep learning models (GPT-2, GPT-3, ChatGPT).
For our users, documents with a suspicion of the generated fragment will be marked as a "Suspicious document" in the workspace and the results of the check. And it will be possible to get acquainted with certain suspicious fragments on the suspicion page.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
23 March 2023
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
20 March 2023
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
20 February 2023
Replacing a share in the report with a share in the text
Dear users!
We would like to inform you about new changes in the full report. We have replaced the display of the indicators "Share in the report" and "Share in the text".
- "Share in the report" – The ratio of the volume of similarities, which is taken into account within this source, to the total volume of the document. It means that if the same text was found in several sources, it is taken into account only in one of them. When summing up the shares in reports for all sources, an indicator of "Similarity" is obtained.
- "Share in the text" – The ratio of the volume of similarities of the text of the source to the volume of the document. The shares in the text by sources are not summed up when calculating the total percentage of similarities.
Based on our experience of working and development of the system, as well as on your feedback and requests, we decided to reverse places of these indicators. Now the first indicator of the source will be "Share in the text", and the indicator "Share in the report" is displayed in the additional information on the source. Such change will allow you to see more clearly how much the text of the document being checked matches each of the sources, and also exclude the situation when the indicator "0%" is displayed next to the source, which is often misleading.
The changes affected the following system interfaces:
- Full and brief reports.
- All printed forms of reports.
- A section with report default settings in User Profile.
Please note that the current calculation of indicators and sorting by them will not change. When adding up all the values according to the "Share in the text" indicator, you can get more than 100%, and this is normal. You don't need to sum up these values.
If you have any questions, please contact technical support.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Fixed the display of the free tariff icon in the header for all pages.
- An additional warning has been added on the document upload form about the need to enable the OCR option for checking documents without a text layer.
- Correction of texts and messages.
- Infrastructure changes.
- Correction of defects.
26 January 2023
Editing the structure
Added the ability to edit the document structure in cases when it is defined incorrectly. The structure of the document can be used when checking if you want to exclude some sections. To proceed to editing the structure, go to the "Document Structure" tab on the verification results page and click the button of the same name. The following actions are available to you for editing:
- Adding a section;
- Deleting a partition;
- Changing the boundaries of the section.
Please note that at the moment, in order to update the results of the report, taking into account the edited structure, the document needs to be rechecked.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
02 December 2022
New functionality for issuing quotas
Implemented a new functionality that allows you to increase or decrease the quota. There is also a functionality for applying a default quota, which you need to use in order to make a default quota from a user's personal quota. To perform an action with a quota, select the necessary users and click "Action". After that, select the necessary action that you want to perform with the quota.
Informing about training
For the convenience of users, we have added links to our training webinars and methodological documents in the system interface. These links will help you to use and implement the system most effectively and with greater benefit. Links can be seen:
- in the user menu
- in personal accounts
- in the footer of the site
- in the Help section
Please note that each role has its own links and accesses.
Filter by date in the Collection
Dear administrators, in order to stabilize the system and open pages faster, we have installed an automatic filter by date in the collection. By default, documents for the last 30 days are displayed.
*Similarities, not reuse
On December 21, a change in terminology was made in the system: the indicator "Reuse" was renamed "Similarities". This change is due to the peculiarities of the system, since automatically the system finds exactly the matches of the text of the document being checked with the text of the source. Whether the found text similarity is an illegal reuse, a correct citation or a random similarity is determined by the expert when analyzing the report.
Please note that the method of detecting sources, calculating percentages and other processes in the system do not change. Only the name of the indicator has been changed.
If you have any questions, please contact technical support.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
05 October 2022
Updating of the "SPS Garant" collection
Now documents are checked in two collections: (a) The "GARANT: Regulatory documentation" collection includes all existing types of legal information. Reuse from this collection are automatically identified as citations (b) The GARANT: Analytics collection includes books, media materials and scientific publications on the problems of the theory of law, taxation, accounting and financial audit. Similarities with the sources of this collection are defined by the system as reuse.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
08 August 2022
Subscription to newsletters
Added the ability to subscribe / unsubscribe to informational and advertising messages from our company and partners. You can subscribe / unsubscribe from newsletters in the user profile settings in the "Informational Messages" section. When subscribing, you will receive messages about upcoming webinars, promotions, tariff changes, etc.
Summary report on verified documents
A detailed report on verified documents has been added to the general statistics of the organization. The report provides basic information about uploaded documents, including verification parameters (percentages of originality, self-citation, quotes, similarity), suspicion flag, status, data about authors, verifier, etc. The report contains a maximum of 100,000 recent documents.
Checking taking into account the structure of the document
We are pleased to announce a new feature connected to all our clients and individual users - verification taking into account the structure of the document. If earlier it was necessary to manually disable reuse on the title page, in the table of contents, the list of references and appendices, or even delete these pages from the document before checking for reuse, now the system will do this work automatically, determining the structure of the document. It is enough for the user to select the sections necessary for verification on the document upload form on the "Verification Parameters" tab.
The percentages of reuse, citations and originality are calculated based on the volume of the text in the checked sections. Those sections that were not selected for verification are not taken into account in the final result. Information about the proportion of verified and unverified text is displayed on the "Verification Results" page. Also on this page, on the "Document Structure" tab, you can see a thumbnail of the document and information about its sections.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
19 July 2022
Inviting students to a task from the teacher's office and viewing invited students
At the request of our university clients, we have implemented the invitation of students to the task from the teacher's office, as well as the ability to view the students invited to the task. The "Students" menu has been added to the teacher's office. There are two items in it: "Invite students" - to invite students to the selected task, and "View invited" - to view students invited to the selected task. The opportunity to invite students to the task from the "Course Management" is left.
New module "National Library of Uzbekistan"
We are pleased to announce a new search module for a unique collection. The collection includes abstracts of dissertations, candidate's and doctoral dissertations of the National Library of Uzbekistan.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
17 May 2022
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
31 March 2022
Predicting the verification time
For the convenience of our users, we have added a display of the approximate waiting time for document verification.
Cross-language text reuse search regardless of the language of the document
Dear users, we are pleased to inform you about the pilot connection of the module for cross-language text reuse search, regardless of the language of the document being checked and the source. It is already connected to all our clients on a free basis. The module is being actively refined and improved using adaptive retraining.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
23 August 2021
New text verification form
As part of improving the usability of verification forms, the text verification form has been updated. By analogy with other forms, the new form consists of two tabs – "Document text" and "Validation Parameters". On the "Document Text" tab, you can enter the name of the document and the text to be sent for verification. If the name is not entered, it will be formed automatically from the first characters of the text. On the "Verification Parameters" tab, you can change the composition of the search modules for which the verification is performed, as well as other options. The change applies to individual and corporate users.
Displaying the full name of the teacher in the student's office
For the convenience of using the system, a display of the full name of the course teacher has been added to the student's office.
Division of courses into active and archival in the student's office
To make the system more convenient, the division of courses into active and archived is implemented in the student's office. Active and completed courses are displayed on the "Active" tab, archived and in the process of archiving – on the "Archive" tab. If there are active or completed tasks in the course and, at the same time, archived tasks or in the process of archiving, then this course is shown on both tabs.
The ability to change the name of the uploaded paper has been added to the teacher
To expand the capabilities of the system, the teacher on the "Adding paper" form can now change the name of the document uploaded on behalf of the student. By default, the name is formed from the name of the downloaded file.
The ability to select student papers sent for revision in the filter has been added to the teacher
For the convenience of using the system, the item "Sent for revision" has been added to the evaluation filter in the teacher's office. After selecting this item, a list of student papers of the assignment submitted for revision will be displayed.
Multilingual bibliography
In December of this year, as part of the development of the functionality of working with bibliography, the system now not only finds and allocates a section with a list of references, but also splits it into separate bibliographic records.
System stabilization and support
- Updating the automatic document categorization service
- Updated the appearance of emails automatically sent by the system
- Stabilization of the current version of the system
- Infrastructure changes
- Correction of defects
14 July 2021
A new form for rechecking documents
In the framework of improving the usability of verification forms, the form for rechecking documents has been updated. By analogy with other forms, the new form consists of two tabs – "Documents" and "Verification Parameters". The Documents tab displays a list of titles and the number of documents to be sent for verification. On the "Verification Parameters" tab, you can change the composition of the search modules for which the verification is performed, as well as other options. The change applies to individual and corporate users.
Displaying brief information and a structure diagram
To make the information on the structure of the document more visual, we have added a special section on the "Document Structure" tab on the page with the results of the verification. After extracting the structure, the user will see a brief information on the structure and a diagram picture. The thumbnail clearly shows the detected sections, a list of sections that the system determines and the section parameters in the document are available. In addition, there remains a button to go to a new page, as was implemented earlier.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
20 April 2021
Output of reasons and comments for edited sources
In the last release, we reported the possibility to specify the reason and comment during the editing of sources. Now this information will be displayed in the "Comment" column in the printable version and in the PDF report. We hope that the new form of the printed report will be more understandable for the authors and the checking experts, and will also allow for a more detailed analysis of the results of the text reuse check.
Displaying deleted documents in the user's dashboard
Now in the user's account, you can see the documents you deleted and brief information about them: the date of document upload, the time of the start of verification, the document format, the document name, the originality indicator, the date of document deletion, etc. You will not have access to the full text of the deleted document, full or short reports, and you will not be able to restore deleted documents within this interface.
Defining and displaying the document structure
We have implemented a new feature - extracting and displaying the document structure. So far, the structure is extracted at the request of the user (clicking on the button), and not automatically. This feature is available on the page with the results of the check, on the special tab "Document structure". After the structure is extracted, the user can go to a separate page where the document with formatting and markup of structural sections will be displayed.
We plan to refine this functionality so that the structure is automatically extracted for all documents being checked, as well as taken into account when checking for reuses and when calculating the percentage of originality.
System stabilization and support
- The API has added the ability to upload help in different languages. API changes have been made, API examples and documentation have been corrected.
- Improved the algorithm for identifying suspicious documents, which determines the violation of the coherence of the text.
- Improved the possibility of mass actions with the company's users.
- Added a display of the number of uploaded documents on the document upload form
- On the document upload form, the icon that appears for documents with a download error has been changed
- Fixed the display of available modules in tariffs
- Updated user documentation
- Stabilization of the current version of the system
- Infrastructure changes
- Correction of defects
29 March 2021
Automatic shutdown of small sources
Working with the report should be not only convenient, but also fast. In this update, we implemented automatic shutdown of small sources that do not make a significant contribution to the verification report. Automatically disabled sources will be displayed in a separate list and, if necessary, you can always turn them back on.
Entering the reason when editing sources in the full report
To make the results of editing the report more transparent and understandable, we have expanded the information about excluded sources and sources with a modified type. Now, while editing the full report, the expert can explain why a particular source was excluded from the list of sources or why the source type was changed. The expert can also leave an arbitrary comment. This information will be useful for all specialists who view and analyze the loan report, as it allows you to see why the source was edited.
The reason and comment are displayed in the full and summary reports. In the near future, we will add the output of these parameters to the printable version and the PDF report.
Marking of the sources indicated in the bibliography
For the convenience of the expert's work with the report, automatic marking of the found sources for their possible coincidence with the bibliography of the document being checked is now available. It will be easier for an expert to analyze such sources and, if necessary, change their type.
Localization of the system
Now the system is available in Polish and Uzbek.
System stabilization and support
- Fixed the error of registration via Google and Yandex social networks in the system for individual users
- Stabilization of the current version of the system
- Infrastructure changes
- Correction of defects
09 March 2021
Changing block display priorities
As part of the development of the full report and improving the user experience, we have adjusted the priorities for displaying detected blocks in the report. Display priority is given according to the list below, regardless of the block size:
- Self-citation
- Quotes
- Similarity
New document upload form
To improve the usability of the system, the form for uploading documents for verification has been updated. Now the names of all uploaded documents are displayed on the form, and the verification parameters are placed on a separate tab. The change applies to individual and corporate users.
Two-factor authentication for administrators
We are pleased to introduce new functionality for additional protection of administrator accounts, and therefore your entire organization from unauthorized access. Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an additional confirmation of an action in the administrator account by entering a numeric code from the 2FA application. The 2FA functionality is connected for free at the request of the root administrator, to connect you need to contact technical support. After connecting, Administrators and Administrators of the joint venture will have access to the "Setup 2FA" tab in the user profile. On the tab, you can link your account to the application to generate 2FA codes.
System stabilization and support
- Administrators can now read the document version through the Collection section.
- For better display in the system interface, the names of search modules and collections have been updated.
- API changes have been made, API examples and documentation have been corrected.
- Stabilization of the current version of the system
- Infrastructure changes
- Correction of defects
08 February 2021
API Changes
- Added auto-extraction of the author when uploading a document via the API and calculation of self-citation.
- Updated API documentation
System stabilization and support
- Updated the list of document types
- Stabilization of the current version of the system
- Infrastructure changes
- Correction of defects
22 December 2020
The possibility of banning self-registration of students has been implemented
Administrators now have the ability to prohibit students from registering in the system on their own.
The setup is located in the "Company Profile" section, the "Settings" tab. When the settings are enabled, the "Students" tab will be unavailable for the company. In this case, the registration of students is carried out by the administrators of the system.
Displaying the document format
The user's personal account now displays information about the format of the uploaded document.
**Supervisor for all products
We are glad to inform you that the role of "Supervisor" is now available in all products of the corporate line.
The "Supervisor" role is intended for a deeper analysis of working with the system.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
18 November 2020
System stabilization and support
- Displaying the name of the current page in breadcrumbs
- Updating automatic email templates
- Stabilization of the current version of the system
- Infrastructure changes
- Correction of defects
Calculation of self-citation for new collections
Dear users!
In addition to the collections of the RGB, eLibrary, NBB, as part of this update, we have connected the calculation of the indicator "Self-Citation" for the collections Medicine and the Consolidated collection of the Digital Library.
29 September 2020
Limiting users by the number of checks
Dear users! We are pleased to announce a new major update of corporate products.
Firstly, we have moved the tariff information from the "Company Profile" to a separate tab in the Administration Menu.
Secondly, we have implemented the long-awaited functionality to limit users by the number of checks. Now the administrator in a special section can set quotas for checks available to the user, thereby avoiding their misuse. The administrator can set both an individual quota for any user of the company, and a "default quota", which will be applied to all new users, as well as those who do not have an individual quota.
More detailed information about setting quotas is provided in the administrator's user documentation.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
15 September 2020
System stabilization and support
- The ability to edit the author has been removed from the help upload form. The author's change is now available only on the page with the verification results.
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Infrastructure changes.
- Correction of defects.
02 July 2020
Automatic extraction of the author to calculate Self-citation
Dear users!
As part of the first update after the 2020 summer session, we implemented automatic extraction of the author's full name from the document being checked.
When uploading a document for verification, the System will independently extract the author's full name and, based on the extracted data, immediately calculate the Self-citation indicator. If necessary, you can adjust the extracted full name and recalculate the percentages.
This functionality is available to all our corporate clients. In the system, the functionality is available for individual users only within the framework of paid tariffs.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
13 May 2020
Updating the Citations module
Dear users! We have made improvements to the algorithm for determining correctly formatted citations. Now the text framed with a footnote will also be defined as a citing:
A new algorithm for finding reuse
Dear users!
As part of this update, we offer you a new, improved algorithm for finding reuse - a search taking into account minor changes in the text (changing the endings of words, inserting and rearranging words inside sentences, etc.). The algorithm allows you to quickly identify minor editing of the document text, regardless of the search modules used. When the algorithm is activated, the system will search for reuses in all search modules selected at the time of verification, except for "Citations", "Bibliography", "Common expressions", "Paraphrasing Modules".
While uploading documents, select the necessary search modules for verification and check the box "Search for paraphrasing". When checking student papers, a check mark is set for the entire course as a whole on the course editing form. The found text fragments are marked as reuse and are included in the percentage of similarities in the report.
A new algorithm is already available to all corporate clients within the framework of existing tariff plans. For individual users - it is connected automatically on any paid tariff.
23 April 2020
New logic of the "Citations" module
Dear users!
Based on the feedback collected from you, we have finalized and improved the Module for highlighting correctly designed citations. We set up its algorithms in such a way that they more accurately highlight the text of the citation and as rarely as possible falsely triggered. Please note that when rechecking previously uploaded documents (using the same search modules), minor changes may appear in the results of the check, which is due to the new logic of the "Citations" module.
The algorithm determines as a quote the text taken in quotation marks and satisfying at least one of the conditions:
- before the quote is indicated the full name of the author of the quote, or surname and initials, as well as the word denoting the statement (says, writes, asserts, etc.):
- I.V. Kurchatov said: "Human life is not eternal, but science and knowledge cross the threshold of centuries."
- after the quote there is a link to the source (in square or round brackets).
- "Gravity is not an ordinary force, but a consequence of the fact that space–time is not flat, as previously thought; it is curved by the mass and energy distributed in it." (C. Hawking, A Brief History of Time, p.48)
Remember that correctly framed quotations are a sign of quality work, and quoting it is defined in the report as a separate indicator and is not included in either similarity or originality.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
19 March 2020
Changing the grade for student work
As part of this update, it is possible to change the assessment of student work by teachers. If you have mistakenly given an assessment or sent a work for revision instead of an assessment, teachers will be able to change the assessment themselves or remove it altogether.
Please note that changing the rating is available for active and completed tasks, sending for revision only for active tasks.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
03 March 2020
Transmitting the internal user ID via API
Dear API administrators. From April 07, 2020, a parameter will become mandatory that allows you to determine the user of an Information System (IS) that is integrated with the Plagiarism Detection System (PDS) via API.
In order for the integration to continue to work without failures and sudden locks, you need to make sure that your integration with the PDS transmits the user ID of your information system. Detailed information and links to instructions have been sent to you in a separate letter.
If you have any questions, please contact technical support.
Extending access to checks on the Wiley collection
All corporate clients have been extended the opportunity to perform inspections on the Wiley collection until the end of April 2020.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
12 February 2020
Uploading a PDF report while maintaining formatting
The PDF version of the report has been uploaded while preserving the original formatting of the document. If for some reason it was not possible to save the formatting of the document, the report will be uploaded in text form.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
31 December 2019
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
30 December 2019
Indication of the author
Dear users!
We are glad to announce the appearance of new functionality. As part of this update, we have added the ability to specify the full name of the author of the document on the verification results page. By specifying the author, you will start the process of automatically calculating the percentage of self-citation with the possibility of subsequent manual adjustments. The percentage of self-citation will be calculated from the eLIBRARY collection.
For student papers uploaded via assignments, the full name of the student is automatically indicated as the author. Correction of this field will not be available at the current moment. The author you have specified will appear in the printed versions of the reports and the uploaded help.
Please note that when the author changes, a new report correction is created.
24 December 2019
Manual indication of self-citation in the report
Dear users!
We are glad to announce the appearance of new functionality. As part of this update, we have added a new percentage indicator "Self-citation" and the ability to manually adjust the source type from similarity/citation to self-citation if links to the author of the work being checked were found when checking the document.
Do not forget to click on the "Recalculate" button after changing the source type. After recalculation, the source marked as self-citation will change its color, and the source blocks in the report text will also be repainted.
We would like to draw attention to the fact that the indicator "Self-citation" is a self-sufficient indicator of verification, is not included in existing indicators and is calculated separately.
Now we are actively working on finalizing the page with the results of the check and automatic self-citation detection. In the near future, new functionality and new opportunities to work with the system will appear.
Changing block display priorities
As part of the update, we adjusted the priorities for displaying detected blocks in the report. The priority of the display is given first to the quoted fragments, and then to the already reused ones, regardless of the block size:
- Quotes
- Self-citation
- Reuse
Checks on the Wiley collection (Wiley Online Library)
We are pleased to inform you that since December 4, 2019, all our corporate clients have been connected to the Wiley open source collection for free.
The collection of open Sources is part of the Online Library and consists of 220 journals, which is almost 75 thousand articles. Verification by sources will be performed in two modes – mono-language search through the Wiley collection and search using the cross-language search module. If, as a result of document verification, similarities are found with text fragments from the logs of the new collection, new modules will be displayed in the reports.
Please note that the new functionality is available to all our corporate clients for free during the test period until March 1, 2020. On the specified date, the search module will be disabled and checks on it will not be possible.
We would appreciate your feedback regarding the convenience and necessity of using our new collection!
Output of tag functionality
We analyzed the use of the tag creation and management functionality implemented in 2016 and were convinced of the lack of demand for this functionality. Tags were conceived as a flexible alternative to the rigid structure of the organization, but, unfortunately, they could not meet the expectations placed on them. At the end of 2018, we successfully implemented the ability to manage the organizational structure of the organization, which became available as part of the product for organizations with complicated structure.
In this regard, we would like to inform you that as part of this update, the functionality of creating and managing tags has been excluded from all of our products.
19 November 2019
Extension of cross-language search modules
We are pleased to inform you that we have new cross-language text reuse search modules. Russian is a new module for finding translated reuse: from English to Russian, from Russian to English, from English to Kazakh, and from Russian to Kazakh. The order of connecting modules is as follows:
- All search modules are available to individual users when connecting the FULL tariff, or connecting the "Unified Collection" within the paid tariff. Separately, the connection of the cross-language search module from English to Russian is still available.
- All new corporate clients are connected to all cross-language search modules when connecting the "Unified Collection"
- For corporate clients with a valid connection with a set of "Unified Collection", all modules will be connected within a week on a free basis.
Other changes
- Added a warning about the page limit when using OCR for corporate users.
- The wording in the FAQ answers on the system's website has been corrected.
- Changed the text of the tips on the pricing page for individual users.
17 October 2019
Other changes
- Added filtering by search modules in the full report.
- In the title of the source report, the name of the document being checked has been replaced with the name of the source.
- The texts of messages displayed to users have been corrected.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
27 September 2019
Percentage of originality
Dear users! In user cabinets, the percentage of originality is displayed. All other parameters and results of document verification are still available on the "Verification Results" page.
Other changes
- The footer of the site has implemented the display of links to go to the corporate blogs of our company.
- Simplified receipt of a direct link to the report has been implemented. Now the link is immediately copied to the clipboard and displayed on the same page where it is requested.
- On the "Suspicious Document" page, when clicking on the page number, an automatic transition to the "On page" tab with detailed information about crawls on a specific page is implemented.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
11 September 2019
Verification Results page
A new "Verification Results" page has appeared in the system, on which all information about the document being checked and its verification is aggregated and verification indicators for the last generated or corrected report are displayed. Now you don't have to perform additional actions in the system to view the information and aggregate it yourself.
On the "Cabinet" page, the percentages of verification and the buttons for switching to a short and full report have been removed, the "View results" button has appeared instead. By clicking on it, you will see a new page "Verification Results", through which you can now switch to a full or short report. In addition to viewing information about the document and its verification, the page displays a standard set of actions on reports, which is also available on the pages of the short and full report.
This functionality is currently available only through the web-interface.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
26 August 2019
Index of approved documents
The system has implemented a new functionality "Creating an index of approved documents". This functionality makes it easier to check written papers that use standardized methods, templates for describing experiments, questionnaires, etc. Similarities with such documents in combination with properly designed links to them are correct. But earlier in the verification report, they were taken into account only as a percentage of reuse and did not visually differ from the rest of the incorrectly recycled fragments. To ensure that the analysis of such cases does not cause difficulties, we have developed an index of approved documents. With its help, the administrators of the system in the organization will independently form a set of documents, similarities with which are immediately taken into account in the percentage of citations and are highlighted in the report as correct reuse.
This functionality is an integral part of the system, is included in all corporate products and is already connected free of charge to all corporate clients.
If you have any questions, please contact technical support.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
05 August 2019
Integration with external federations FEDURUS and RUNNET
We are glad to announce another way to simplify the use of the system! If your organization has an contract with our company and is a member of one of the external federations FEDURUS or RUNNET, then you can connect external authorization through these systems. In this case, user administration will take place only in one place - inside your directory service. Your administrators don't have to duplicate actions with users inside Plagiarism detection system, such as registration/editing/blocking, etc. And users will not have to remember new access data: one login and one password for all external resources. The functionality is connected for free at the request of the root administrator of the Plagiarism detection `system to our technical support service. Before enabling external authorization, we strongly recommend testing the setup first. To do this, we will provide you with a separate test access.
Localization of the system into the Kazakh language
The geography of the use of the system is quite extensive and is constantly expanding. Localization of the system interface into the Kazakh language was another step.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
28 June 2019
Changing the type of user activity log in the Company Profile
In order to stabilize the system, the appearance of the "User Activity Log" section in the company Profile has been changed. Now the log is not displayed in the interface, but is uploaded in csv format. Before uploading, you can specify the desired time period and the e-mail of a specific user.
Suspicious document
Refinement of the algorithm for determining crawls.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
06 May 2019
Updating the Bibliographic Record Allocation module
Dear users!
Based on the feedback collected from you, we have finalized and improved the Module for selecting bibliographic records. We have configured its algorithms in such a way that they skip as few correct fragments of the bibliography as possible, and do not highlight plain text, especially in applications and fragments of program code.
To connect the Bibliographic Records Selection Module, contact technical support. If the module is already connected, it is updated automatically.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
22 April 2019
Combining multiple roles
Dear corporate users! As part of this update, it is possible to combine several roles for one user at the same time.
This functionality is connected to all our corporate clients on a free basis and regardless of the purchased product.
Setting up multiple roles for one account is only available through the administrators of the system in your organization when editing user parameters or batch editing. After setting up, users will be able to switch between several roles, as, for example, in the screenshot below.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
05 April 2019
Introduction of restrictions on uploading documents in DOC format
Dear users!
We analyzed the statistics on documents over the past year and came to the conclusion that when uploading documents in doc format, there may be problems with processing and extracting text and, as a result, incorrect results of checking for reuses. The doc format was replaced in 2003 by a more technologically advanced docx. Since then, the share of documents in doc format has been steadily decreasing. Based on the analysis of statistics, we have developed and implemented the following changes:
- In the process of interaction between "Teacher" and "Student", it is prohibited to upload archives and documents in doc format to tasks.
- For other roles, when uploading documents in doc format, a warning about possible text extraction errors and a recommendation to convert the document to another format will be displayed.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
26 March 2019
New product line for corporate clients
Dear corporate users!
We are glad to announce that we have expanded our product line! Now you have the opportunity to connect:
Product only for usage via API – for integration with other information systems. Access to the text reuse search functions (document verification, indexing, report request) is carried out only through the API interface.
Product for organizations with complicated structure. The product includes the features of the product for universities, as well as support for working with the structure of the organization.
Product for associations, consortia, organizations with separate divisions, branches, representative offices geographically remote from each other. For each separate division, its own software product is created, which takes into account the peculiarities of this division.
Regardless of the type of product, reaching the verification limit now does not lead to disabling your company's tariff – users can log in to the system and view previously created reports before the date of tariff deactivation.
Automatic termination of an active session
As part of the update, the automatic termination of the session is implemented when one of the following conditions occurs:
- changing the password for the account by the system administrator;
- log in to an account on another device.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
04 March 2019
Authorization via the SAML protocol
Dear corporate users! We are pleased to announce the appearance of such an opportunity as enabling authorization via the SAML protocol. This type of authorization allows you to integrate the Plagiarism detection system and your authentication and authorization service. This will allow your users to log in to the Plagiarism detection system using the credentials of your directory service, so they do not have to remember new data to access the external system. And the responsible persons will greatly simplify the administration of the system since all user management will take place inside your directory service.
This authorization is suitable for configuring access via AD FS.
The main technical requirements for AD FS on the client side:
- Microsoft Server 2008 and higher (for Microsoft Server 2016 LDAP)
- Installed and configured AD FS service (not lower than version 2.0.)
- SSL-certificate
This functionality is connected free of charge at the request of the root administrator of the Plagiarism detection system to our technical support service.
Uploading the original student papers
For the role of "Teacher" in corporate systems the ability to upload the original student paper was implemented.
To download the original paper, go to the "Teacher's workspace" via the "Menu", mark the desired student paper with a tick and click the "Download paper" button.
Please note that:
- only the original of the student's last attempt is available for uploading;
- uploading is only available for one job at a time (mass downloading is not supported);
- uploading the original is not available for all documents for various reasons. For example, not available for documents uploaded before June 2017
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
01 March 2019
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
14 February 2019
Dear users!
At the current moment, we have implemented all the planned statistical reports. Starting from this version, the "Statistics" section located in the Company Profile is no longer available. All statistics are available only through the "Statistics" section in the system administrators’ menu.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
30 January 2019
Suspicious document
As part of the development of functionality, the display of the technical cheating text has been implemented. The text is output only for those cases in which it is possible to output it.
Three new statistical reports have become available for corporate users:
- Statistics on courses and assignments. For each task, aggregated information about the process of work delivery by students is available. Statistics provide quantitative characteristics for active and completed tasks, as well as the average percentage of originality for the works uploaded to the task. Fixing the time interval allows you to filter the task: only those tasks whose task validity period intersects with the specified interval get into the statistics. The task validity period is the period starting from the start date of the task and ending with the completion date, including both specified dates. Quantitative and averaged characteristics are displayed for the current date.
- Statistics on the originality of works. Aggregated statistics on student papers, developed on the basis of a request for statistics from the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 667. Allows you to get information about the originality of student papers, depending on the type of work and in accordance with the specified limits of the percentage of originality. Please note that in order to obtain more complete statistical data, it is necessary to assign one type of document to all the works uploaded to the task.
- The intensity of user work. This report displays the number of downloaded, verified documents and the average percentage of originality for these documents for each user of the system. It serves as a basis for investigating cases of excessive use of checks in the system.
New reports are located in the "Statistics" section in the System administrator Menu. Generated reports are not displayed in the interface and are only available for uploading in CSV format.
We also draw your attention that changes have been made to previously implemented reports:
- To improve the understanding of the values of metrics, the names of some of them have been adjusted: Verified documents/The checks made/The documents submitted for the reports built/The documents uploaded.
- In the report "Detailed report on student papers", the percentage of originality is now displayed for all papers, regardless of the established grade.
Interface in English
Dear users!
We are glad to inform you that now the interface of our system is also available in English. To change the language, use the drop-down button located next to the Menu.
- Corrected the texts of emails sent by our system automatically.
- Stabilization of the system.
21 November 2018
System stabilization and support
- Update of the reuse search algorithm. Improved the quality and accuracy of searching for matching fragments.
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
12 November 2018
Suspicious document
As part of the development of functionality, the possibility of removing the mark of suspicion has been implemented. On the page with the suspicion display, click on the appropriate radio button, if necessary, you can specify a comment for which reason the mark is removed. We also draw your attention to the fact that even if the mark is removed, the information will be recorded in printed and downloadable report forms.
Implemented the display of the statistics update date. Please note that the data for building reports is currently updated once every 24 hours. Be careful when running the reports.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
26 October 2018
Visualization of the display of "crawls"
Dear corporate users!
We have implemented a visual representation of "cheating" (ways of technically increase the percentage of originality). For documents marked as "suspicious" in the full report, a link "Suspicious document" appeared on a special page with a display.
We do not plan to stop there and continue to actively work on detecting and visualizing technical ways to increase originality.
New advanced statistics
In this version, new statistical reports on the use of the system were implemented for corporate clients: System usage details, a detailed report on student work, Statistics on student work. New reports are available to system administrators through the "Company Statistics" section in the menu. In this quarter, it is planned to implement 4 more detailed reports, allowing you to get more detailed information on a variety of indicators.
After the implementation of all seven reports, the old section with statistics in the Company Profile will be abolished.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
29 September 2018
Identification of suspicious documents
Dear corporate users!
We are pleased to announce that we are working on a new, more advanced algorithm for detecting suspicious documents (technical improvement of originality). As part of this update, a new algorithm was introduced that allows not only to point to a suspicious document, but also to provide information about the crawl group and page numbers in the report. You can see this information on the full report page.
The new algorithm for detecting suspicious documents was automatically connected to all our corporate users
In the future, it is planned to implement a visual display of crawls in the text of the document.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
27 September 2018
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
18 September 2018
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
03 September 2018
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
14 August 2018
Uploaded report
A QR code has been added to the downloadable Pdf report, with which you can always access the electronic version of the report (without editing).
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
26 July 2018
Changes for corporate clients
The ability to view the text of the uploaded student paper was implemented for the "Student" role. In order to see the text of the document, you need to click on its name in your workspace.
Notification of updates
For the convenience of our users, we have implemented an individual notification about the system update. A bell will appear in the header of the site every time the system is updated, indicating that the system has been updated. By clicking on the bell, you will find yourself on a page with a description of system updates.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
05 July 2018
The new integration module with «SDO Moodle»
From July 1, 2018, educational organizations that use SDO Moodle get the opportunity to "embed" in the SDO the process of checking students' work for reuses. The new integration module with "SDO Moodle" provides integration of the Moodle distance learning system with the our plagiarism detection system. The module is designed specifically for our clients by our partner, the Laboratory of Information Technologies of Distance Learning, OCH VO "PSTSU".
If you have any questions about connecting the integration module with "SDO Moodle", please contact the Sales Department
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
03 July 2018
System stabilization and support
Dear users!
The most difficult period in the life of students and teachers is coming to an end - the training session is coming to an end. During this time, we have tried to make the work in the system as stable and resistant to increased load as possible.
In addition to the huge work on system stabilization and support during the session, we implemented several improvements:
- for corporate clients using authorization via AD or GSuite, the ability to check settings has been added;
- changed the naming logic of archives and folders on the SFTP server when publishing student papers;
- for corporate clients using OCR recognition, it is possible to choose the method of text extraction (with or without OCR); the revision concerns only the verification of documents by Experts, the verification of student papers will always be carried out using OCR recognition;
- updated texts and formats of emails sent by the system robot.
We are also glad to inform you that from 05.06.2018 new search modules are available to our customers: the Internet Paraphrase Search Module and the Paraphrase Search Module eLIBRARY.RU . These search modules will be connected automatically to all corporate clients who have Internet and eLibrary collections available. For individual users, these modules are available for connection on the Rate plans page.
These modules allow you to find text reuses from Internet sources and the eLibrary collection.RU taking into account the replacement of words with synonyms, insertion /deletion of words, changes in word forms, rearrangement of parts of a sentence. The found text fragments are marked as similarities and are included in the percentage of similarity in the report.
10 April 2018
Update history
Dear users!
We are glad to inform you that the most up-to-date information about updates to the system is available to you. Now each update will be accompanied by a brief description of the system changes.
The module for searching common expressions
Since April 12, 2018, a new search module has become available to all our corporate clients, allowing them to automatically determine the presence of commonly used expressions in the document being checked: the name of universities, introductory words, etc. Similarities detected by this module are marked in green in the verification report and their contribution is taken into account in the "Quotes" indicator. The exception is the case when the quote is part of a larger reuse block. In this case, the whole fragment is considered by the system as a reuse.
Bibliographic records selection module
Since April 12, 2018, all our corporate clients have had the opportunity to connect a new module for determining bibliographic records. Using this module allows you to automatically identify and highlight the bibliography (list of references) in the document being checked. If earlier some elements of the bibliography were marked as reuse, now they will be considered citation. Which gives each user a more honest assessment regarding the detection of reuse blocks. This search module will be connected on request on a free basis.
If you are interested in the work of our new search module, then to connect it, contact the sales department or the technical support service.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
29 March 2018
Identifying the document language
The possibility of manually specifying the document language when using the "OCR" service is implemented. If the user has OCR recognition enabled, then when uploading a document for verification, he needs to select the language of the document being uploaded.
As part of the current update, the ability to recognize document texts in new languages has been implemented. Previously, we could use OCR recognition only for Russian and English. If you upload a document, for example in Kazakh or any other language, then as a result the user received either a recognition error or a set of incorrect characters. Now the list of languages has expanded significantly. In addition to the existing ones, support for new OCR languages has been added:
- Azerbaijani (Latin);
- Belarusian;
- Kazakh;
- Kyrgyz;
- Tajik;
- Turkish;
- Ukrainian.
- Added sorting and filtering by the "Login Date" field on the Administration page.
- A terminological block with a description of the values of "Reuse", "Citing", "Originality" has been added to the printed forms of reports.
07 March 2018
Changing the role name
From 12.03.2018, for all corporate clients, the name of the role "User" was changed to "Expert". Only the name of the role has changed, all the functionality remains the same.
For individual clients, the role name has not changed.
02 February 2018
In order to increase the security and stability of the use of the system for users of the individual clients site Google's captcha has been implemented for the most active actions
The captcha is embedded:
- On the password recovery form;
- To the support contact form;
- To enter an incorrect password;
- To check/recheck the document/text (only for individual clients on a free tariff).
09 January 2018
Restricting users in password Recovery requests
In order to increase the security and stability of the use of the system users who have an ability to change their password now have a time limit on an independent password recovery request. The break between such requests is now 1 hour.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
18 December 2017
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
28 November 2017
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Improved the quality of logging the publication of student papers in the digital library.
- Correction of defects.
13 November 2017
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
01 November 2017
Authorization via G Suite
Many of our corporate users already use such a tool as G Suite.
What is Google's G Suite?
G Suite is a set of corporate cloud services for collaboration on the Internet, which include authorization using corporate credentials. In this update, we have implemented the possibility of authorization in the Plagiarism detection system using corporate credentials registered in G Suite.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
18 October 2017
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
04 October 2017
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Revision of the text extraction module.
- Corporate users have fixed a problem with duplication of specialties in the list of UGS.
21 September 2017
History of adjustments
The correction of the report is considered to be a change (editing sources, blocks) and clicking on the "Recalculate" button in the full report. Any changes to the report are now not only saved, but also displayed to the user. In the "Report History" information is available on all adjustments that were made while working with the report.
It is possible to switch between adjustments. The report itself displays the date and time of the open correction. You can view the "Report History" and all adjustments inside the full and short report by clicking the "Report History" button in the top menu, as well as in the user's personal account.
Save and not exit
Implemented the ability to save changes in the report without leaving it. The "Save and Exit" button has been replaced with "Save" and now only saves the changes made. After saving the new adjustment, you remain in the report and can continue working. It is still possible to exit the report using the navigation buttons.
01 September 2017
Duration of loading and checking documents
Implemented the display of information about the duration of loading and checking documents. This information can be seen in the following sections:
User Account
- Tick the required document and click the "Information" button
Reading version
- Click on the document name. The reading version opens. The information is located to the left of the document text
Pdf report and printable version
- Go to the printable version of the report or download the report in pdf format. Information about the duration of loading and checking will be displayed in the information blocks "Document Information" and "Report Information"
Your logo in the system
Corporate clients now have the opportunity to install their logo on the system page. To install the logo, the client needs to contact our support service.
The logo will be displayed:
- In the header of the website
- In the check certificate
- In a printable version and a pdf report
- Revision of the text extraction module.
- Correction of defects.
21 August 2017
Video tutorials
For a more comfortable acquaintance with the capabilities of the system, we have prepared video tutorials on working in the system. At the current moment, the videos can be seen in the following sections:
- User Account
- Teacher Account
- Course management (section for the teacher)
- Student Account
- “Students” page (section for corporate clients)
To view the video, click on the preview icon next to the name of the open section. In the future, we plan to expand the number and subject of lessons.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
04 August 2017
A report on the "Citation" source is available:
- When opening the report on the " Citation" source, the blocks recognized by the system as correctly formed quotations are displayed.
User Account
- Added sorting by title and date of document upload.
- Fixed a problem with entering characters of the Kazakh alphabet for the names of documents, folders. Now they are displayed correctly.
26 July 2017
- Defects have been fixed.
- Updating the text extraction client.
- Work has been carried out to stabilize the current version.
20 July 2017
The Law «On Personal Data»
Amendments to Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" came into force on July 01, 2017. According to these changes, it is necessary:
- place the "Personal Data Processing Agreement" in the public domain so that any user can read the terms before accepting them;
- make appropriate changes to the forms on the website so that our customers are notified about the collection and processing of personal data.
In order to comply with these points, we have posted an Agreement on the processing of personal data in the public domain. The link to the agreement is always available in the footer of all pages of our website.
The user agreement acceptance dialog has also been changed. At the first login, you must accept the terms of the user agreement and the agreement on the processing of personal data.
Revision of the text extraction module.
04 July 2017
Implemented the ability to control the display of the report for all products.
- The user Profile has added the ability to include/exclude indicators (percentage in the text, blocks in the report and blocks in the text) when displaying the report.
- The user Profile has added the ability to include/exclude indicators (percentage in the text, blocks in the report and blocks in the text) when displaying the report.
Implemented the restoration of all previously disabled similarity blocks for corporate products
In the full report, it is now possible to turn on all previously disabled blocks with one button. The "Enable All" functionality is located above the list of sources.
Implemented the display of the full text (without formatting) in the full report, the source report, the read version.
- The functionality is available for corporate clients
Fixed a bug related to the freezing of statistics calculation.
22 June 2017
Revision of the short and full report.
- The following indicators have been added for each source: share in the report, share in the text, blocks in the report and blocks in the text. More information about these indicators can be found in the user manual.
Finalizing the removal of individual similarity blocks for corporate products.
- If a block intersects with several sources, then when the block is deleted, it is excluded from all sources at once.
- Refinement of the text extraction module (OCR) for individual clients.
- Documents that OCR was used to extract text from are marked with the appropriate label in the user's account and reports.
13 June 2017
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
07 June 2017
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
24 May 2017
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.
15 May 2017
User Account
- Implemented the possibility of changing the type and name for student papers.
- The functionality is available for the product for universities.
- The "Change name and type" button has been added to the student's office and the teacher's office. With the help of it, a student or a teacher will be able to specify the correct name for a student's work, as well as change the type of work, for example, a thesis, a WRC, an abstract, etc.
- Performance optimization of the uploaded documents queue handler has been performed.
- Changes have been made to improve the stability of the API. Including:
- improved diagnostics when trying to check a document that has not been uploaded or uploaded with errors;
- implementation of more correct processing statuses of uploaded documents.
10 May 2017
- The speed of formatting display has been doubled to view the text of the downloaded document and the full report.
- Completion of the OCR module for individual clients.
05 May 2017
- Defects have been fixed.
- Updating the text extraction client.
- Work has been carried out to stabilize the current version.
01 May 2017
Implemented the ability to extract text via OCR (Optical Character Recognition) for individual clients.
This service allows you to check only the text that you see when viewing the document. If there are graphic images containing text data in your document, they will also be recognized and checked for reuses. Please note that when using this service, the processing time of the document may be increased. The maximum number of pages processed is 150 for each uploaded document. Pages exceeding this limit will not be processed. This service is provided on a paid basis. You can find out more about the connection conditions on the Rate plans page.
14 April 2017
- Defects have been fixed in the EmailClient module.
- Work has been carried out to stabilize the current version.
07 April 2017
Implemented saving and displaying formatting when viewing the text of the document and the full report. The functionality is available for corporate clients.
Implemented the ability to extract text via OCR (Optical Character Recognition) for corporate clients. This method allows you to automatically discard many ways to cheat the system, namely (inserting hidden text, formulas, hidden symbols, etc.). Only the text that is visible when viewed in a text editor is sent for verification. If there are graphic images containing text data in your document, they will also be recognized and checked for similarities.
Mail Module
For the new version of the system for corporate clients has implemented an e-mail verification module (EmailClient). This module allows students and teachers to upload student papers for verification via e-mail, without using the web interface.
- Work has been carried out to stabilize the current version
- Defects have been fixed
01 March 2017
Administration of corporate versions
- Added a filter by user status in the "Administration" section. Now administrators of corporate versions can filter by all user statuses.
- Implemented batch recovery and unblocking of users.
System stabilization and support
- Stabilization of the current version of the system.
- Correction of defects.